NYTB board election results 2021

NYTB logo[1]Late Friday, the independent accounting firm Whittemore, Dowen, & Ricciardelli (WDR, LLP) certified results for this year’s 2021 New York Thoroughbred Breeders, Inc.’s Board of Directors election.

This year, NYTB members voted to fill six seats on the board for candidates to serve four-year terms from January, 1, 2022 through December 31, 2025.

The winning candidates, presented in alphabetical order by last name, are:

James Bond
Rick Burke
Lois Engel
Seth Gregory 
Michael Lischin
Lere Visagie

The five other members of our board that will serve the second of their three-year terms in 2022:

Thomas Gallo
Mallory Mort
Vivien Malloy
Scott Ahlschwede, DVM
Dan Hayden

The next Board of Directors election will take place in November 2023.

Attached, please find a letter[2] from Whittemore, Dowen, and Ricciardelli, LLP certifying the election results.

  1. [Image]: https://www.nytbreeders.org/news/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/NYTB-Logo-for-web-e1614620864994.png
  2. letter: https://www.nytbreeders.org/news/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/2021-Election-Results-External.pdf

Source URL: https://www.nytbreeders.org/news/2021/12/11/nytb-board-election-results-2021/